Combined publishing notes (provider identification) under the Telemedia Act (TMG), the Interstate Agreement on Media Services (RStV) and information according to the Ordinance on Disclosure Requirements for Service Providers (DL-InfoV) based on the European Services Directive (RL - 2006/123/EC Official Journal of EU2006, L376/36 "DRLR”)
The provider, and therefore responsible for the commercial, professional website pursuant to Section 5 of the Telemedia Act in its function as the core legislation of the Electronic Commerce Standardization Act (ElGVG) and the Information and Communication Services Act (IuKDG), is KNECHT Maschinenbau GmbH, represented by the two managing directors Manfred Knecht and Markus Knecht.
Information pursuant to Section 2 Paragraph 1 Ordinance on Disclosure Requirements for Service Providers (DL-InfoV)
This website is provided as a source of information by:
KNECHT Maschinenbau GmbH
Witschwender Straße 26
88368 Bergatreute
Legal status: Limited liability company (GmbH)
Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD)
Company headquarters: 88368 Bergatreute, Germany
Ulm District Court HRB 600185
Ravensburg Tax Office
Income tax identification number: DE 146 351 055
Managing directors authorized to represent the company: Manfred Knecht and Markus Knecht
Responsible for journalistic editorial contributions pursuant to Section 55 Paragraph 2 Interstate Agreement on Media Services (RStV):
Manfred Knecht –
Witschwender Straße 26, 88368 Bergatreute, Germany
D-U-N-S® number (Data Universal Numbering System)
The D-U-N-S® number is a unique, 9-digit identification code defined by Dun & Bradstreet. This numerical code is an internationally recognized standard and serves to identify an individual company. D-U-N-S® number: 320257835
External Data Protection Officer pursuant to Section 4 f Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)
Sven Lenz, Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Kempten Office
E-mail contact – Data Protection Officer: or via the following data protection website
Conceptual implementation and technical support for this website
© Copyright image sources – photography
Henry M. Linder, Manfred Knecht, Heike Knecht, Leonardo Ingaramo
Nature of services provided by Knecht Maschinenbau GmbH
Information pursuant to the Ordinance on Disclosure Requirements for Service Providers (DL-InfoV): Mechanical engineering – production and sales.
© Copyright
All rights reserved. Copy, images and graphics and their arrangement on the website are subject to protection by copyright law and other protective legislation. The content of these websites may not be copied, distributed, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.